The MASS3 Monthly

August 2017 Edition

Soon: The MASS³ AGM

It's that time of year— to elect the new committee for the next year!

The AGM?

The Annual General Meeting happens every year in September, and it’s your chance to elect the new committee for next year - maybe even go for a role yourself!

The roles up for grabs are:

  • President (in charge of coordinating the club and making sure shit gets done)

  • Vice-President (helps the president)

  • Secretary (in charge of taking minutes each meeting, checking the club mailbox weekly. Also the only member with access to the membership list)

  • Treasurer (manages the finances of the club, including doing the club audit each semester)

  • Events Coordinator (organises all the social events of the club. In particular, runs Trivia and Karaoke night)

  • Education Officer (liasions with the faculty - in particular, Rowan and Lincoln, the course coordinators)

  • Webmaster (manges the website)

  • Editor (writes this exact newsletter - usually has one or two updates a semester)

Note: if you cannot make it on the night and would like to vote for someone or nominate for a position, please message Victoria Bicknell before the event starts (that is 6:00 pm, 21st of Wednesday).

Event Details

When: Wednesday, September 21 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Where: The Monash Advanced Science Student Common Room, Monash University Clayton

How Much: Free!

Contact Email: Victoria Bicknell

Visit the Facebook Event page to find out more.